2012 Space Rocks Sixty Challenge Collection |
Meteorite Collection |
This is a challenge list of sixty meteorites selected by Russ Finney based on considerable input from the CN Space Rocks forum members. The "2012 Space Rocks Sixty" is a significant quest list for any level of meteorite collector to use as a learning, research, and collection building tool.
The list contains meteorites based on appearance, history, scientific value, and popularity. Some are easy to obtain (widely available and affordable) and some are very difficult to obtain (rare and expensive). But the total challenge list provides a good base to learn about the hobby and to understand the fundamentals of space material. Looking up each stone in the MET-BULL can provide a good insight into the characteristics and history of the various selected quest specimens - it can also provide clues as to specimen availability and sources:
Good luck to anyone who decides to pursue this quest - may it provide you with years of collecting satisfaction and a well deserved sense of accomplishment.
Allan Hills A7600 Allende Almahatta Sitta Ash Creek Barbotan - Historic (1790) Breham Camel Donga Campo del Cielo Canyon Diablo Chergach Chinga Cumberland Falls Dar al Gani 400 - Lunar Dhofar 007 D'Orbigny Ensisheim - Historic (1492) Esquel Gao-Guenie Gibeon Gold Basin Gujba Henbury Holbrook Imilac Juancheng Krasnojarsk - Historic (1749) L'Aigle - Historic (1803) Lake Murray Lost City Mifflin Millbillillie Mundrabilla Murchison New Orleans Norton County NWA 869 - L4-6 NWA 2999 - Angrite NWA 4925 - Martian NWA 5000 - Lunar Pallasovka Park Forest Pasamonte Peekskill Peña Blanca Spring Plainview Portales Valley Sayh al Uhaymir 001 Siena - Historic (1803) Sikhote-Alin Seymchan Tagish Lake Tatahouine Travis County (a) Vaca Muerta Valera Weston - Historic (1807) White Court Wold Cottage - Historic (1795) Zag Zagami - Martian